‘Oppenheimer,’ directed by Christopher Nolan, is a biographical drama film that dives into the life of the titular physicist, a man who led humanity into the Atomic Age. Based on the 2005 biography ‘American Prometheus’ by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, the story follows J. Robert Oppenheimer, a brilliant American physicist, as he is tasked with developing and testing the world’s first atomic weapon, which would prove crucial in ending World War II.
Apart from diving into Oppenheimer’s obstacles and dilemmas while carrying out such a huge undertaking, the war drama film also touches on his personal life in a subtle way. The representation of specific events and persons has led some to speculate whether the famed scientist had adulterous affairs in real life. If you’re interested in the same, here’s what we discovered!
Did Oppenheimer Cheat?
People are talking about the story of the new Christopher Nolan movie, Oppenheimer, in which the main character seems to be having an affair with psychiatrist Jean Tatlock (played by Florence Pugh). People want to know if the supposed affair story is true or not because it has stirred up a lot of interest.
It turns out that Oppenheimer did have an affair with Tatlock while he was working on the Manhattan Project in real life. Not only that but in an early interview, Oppenheimer himself said that he spent the night with Tatlock in 1943. So, it looks like Oppenheimer cheated on his wife.
But it turns out that Oppenheimer had a love relationship with more than one woman outside of his marriage to Kitty. It is also said that the scientist had an affair with Ruth Sherman Tolman. Tolman was ten years older than Oppenheimer and worked for the Office of Strategic Services as a psychologist. She had a husband named Richard Tolman.
Was Oppenheimer Married?
After Kitty got pregnant in 1940, Oppenheimer married her. Kitty was already married to Richard Harrison at the time, but they got a divorce while she was pregnant. This has caused a scandal.
Peter and Toni were their first two children. Kitty Oppenheimer’s story has gotten a lot of attention from the media because it has been shocking. It was said that Kitty had drinking problems, would often hurt herself, and even took so many pills that she would get sick.
Who Was Jean Tatlock?
Jean Tatlock was a therapist, and Florence Pugh played her in Christopher Nolan’s new movie, Oppenheimer. This brought Tatlock into the public eye. In the 1930s, Oppenheimer taught at the University of California, Berkeley, where he met Jean Tatlock for the first time. The two are said to have met through their landlord, who was also a member of the Communist Party.
Tatlock got Oppenheimer interested in politics, which helped their relationship grow. Later, she became an important member of the Communist Party USA. Here is the new trailer for the movie Oppenheimer by Christopher Nolan.
The scientist talked about their relationship as he remembered how he started to date Jean. As they got closer, they admitted that they were at least twice as close to getting married as they could be considered engaged. Had spent a lot of time together, and when they saw each other again, they still felt very deeply.
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But he said that he didn’t see her much between 1939 and 1944 when she died. Sad to say, Jean Tatlock killed herself in 1944, but there has been some talk about how she died. Many even said that the therapist had been killed.
Oppenheimer’s Other Rumored Girlfriends
Tatlock was not the only lady in the physicist’s life who he romanced after his marriage, according to sources. Many historians believe he had a close relationship with Ruth Sherman Tolman, a well-known psychologist and academic.
She worked for the Office of Strategic Services and was the wife of Richard Tolman, a close friend who was a scientific advisor on the Manhattan Project. Ruth was ten years Oppenheimer’s senior, and they apparently began an affair during WWII.
‘An Atomic Love Story: The Extraordinary Women in Robert Oppenheimer’s Life,’ published in 2013, claims that the physicist and Ruth’s relationship was more emotional than sexual. They allegedly continued to date after the war until her husband died in 1948.
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In fact, some claim that Richard Tolman was aware of his wife and friend’s love affair and died of a broken heart as a result. However, we must keep in mind that Oppenheimer never revealed much about his relationship with Ruth, and most of the information concerning their alleged affair is based on hearsay.
Final Words
Even though there were rumours that he was cheating on his wife, the scientist and Kitty stayed married for 26 years until he died in January 1967. She also didn’t talk much in public about her husband’s alleged secret affairs, even though she knew his friendship with Tatlock. So, even though there is a lot of proof that J. Robert Oppenheimer had other relationships while he was married, these claims should be taken with a grain of salt.
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