Skeleton Knight in Another World is a fantasy and adventure manga written and illustrated by Ennki Hakari. The tenth volume of this manga series is presently available. It is now also available in animated form. This anime depicts the tale of a youngster who awakens as his favourite video game character. He assumes the role of a knight and rescues the girls from danger. This animation is produced by Studio KAI and HORNETS.
Skeleton Knight in Another World is here to demonstrate an improved version of the game avatar’s narrative. Five episodes of the first season have already aired. The anime has acquired popularity with fans and anime enthusiasts. The anime offers a good fantasy anime series that viewers could possibly want.
Skeleton Knight in Another World Season 2 Release Date
The first season of the anime series Skeleton Knight in Another World premiered on April 7, 2022. It takes viewers on an adventure depicting the life of a game’s avatar. This 13–14-episode season is underway with five episodes now airing, providing anime fans with quality content.
Creators and producers of the anime have not yet announced that a new season is in the works. The original manga consists of ten volumes, therefore we may anticipate a continuation. In addition, the first season may not be sufficient to conclude the plot.
Skeleton Knight in Another World Season 2 Characters
Arc /Arc Lalatoya
A unknown gamer enters a game as his avatar.
Tomoaki Maeno provides the voice for
Other Characters:
- Ariane Glenys Maple
- Ponta, Chiyome
- Danka
- Dillan
- Glenys
- Eevin
- Goemon
- Sekt
- Dakares
- Yuriarna
- Domitianus
- Cetrion
Skeleton Knight in Another World Season 2 Story
Unknown environment and appearance greet Arc Lalatoya upon awakening. He becomes his chosen avatar in his video game. He cannot determine why he is in another mystery realm, therefore he attempts to conceal himself from everyone. In case he becomes lost, he attempts to follow a group of robbers from a distance. However, he discovers that the bandits are attempting to rape and harm two women.
Arc musters the courage to defeat these men and defend these women. It was eventually discovered that the women he rescued were noblewomen, yet he refused the reward. He was then issued a passport made of copper, allowing him to travel wherever in the country. Arc stays and explores the exotic land in search of further adventure.
Skeleton Knight in Another World Season 2 Trailer
Unfortunately, no trailer has been made for the second season of the series. The initial season of the anime Skeleton Knight in Another World is still broadcasting. And there are no updates regarding the schedule for the second season of the aforementioned anime.
Where To Watch Skeleton Knight in Another World Season 2?
Since there is no indication of a second season of the anime, it is not available on any streaming platforms. The first season of Skeleton Knight in Another World is currently available on Netflix!
How Many Episodes Will It Have?
It has been already confirmed on Twitter that season 1 of Skeleton Knight in Another World will run for a total of 12 Episodes starting from April 7, 2022, to June 23, 2022. A new episode will release every Thursday at 11:30 PM JST. You can check the schedule we have created above for the exact dates of episode releases.
Skeleton Knight in Another World Season 1 Recap
The story begins with Arc finding himself inside an 8-foot skeletal knight that resembles his game’s character. He possesses all the abilities of the aforementioned character. Without any supplies in this strange region, he wanders off and discovers two women who were going to be raped by a band of bandits. He was rewarded for his heroic actions. Although he accepted the reward, he was granted permission to tour the nation.
On May 12, 2022, a new episode of Skeleton Knight in Another World will debut. Observe what transpires with Arc.