Turner & Hooch is a comedy-drama show that goes on from the same-named movie from 1989. The show is about U.S. Marshal Turner, whose life is pretty every day until he meets Hooch, a big, wild dog that he has to take in to help him find a murderer. The whole story is about how he has to change to live with the dog, which causes destruction and chaos in his home.
Turner & Hooch came out on July 21, 2021, and critics have had mixed things to say about it. Some call it a children’s comedy about a police officer and a dog that looks much more interesting on paper than on the screen. Despite this, though, the series was a huge hit. So, the question is, is there another book in the series?
Here’s what you need to know about Season 2 of Turner & Hooch.
Will There Be Season 2 of Turner & Hooch?
The show hasn’t been officially picked up by Disney+ yet. If the show gets picked up for another season, the company may wait to release new episodes until Disney Plus Day; a day set aside to celebrate, release new episodes, and give sneak peeks.
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Disney Plus Day happened on November 12, 2021, but it’s still unclear when it will happen again. So, Season 2 of Turner & Hooch might have to wait a while before it gets the go-ahead.
Turner & Hooch Season 2 Release date
Since the show hasn’t been picked up, there is no date for Season 2 of Turner & Hooch. If it does happen, it might not occur until at least 2023.
What Will Turner & Hooch Season 2 Be About?
In the first season of Turner & Hooch, we saw our two heroes solve crimes while Scott learned more about his father’s death and the case he was working on when he was said to have had a heart attack.
Turner and Hooch had to deal with people who sold drugs, stole jewelry, and made fake money, Scott’s ex-girlfriend, and a group that held illegal dog fights. They also learned how to deal with the problems that come with politics. In the new movie, the story should pick up where it left off with the two friends.
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Maybe Turner and Hooch will find a new mystery to solve. Right now, all we can do is wait for the show to be renewed so we can see more of Turner and Hooch’s adventures and drama.
Turner & Hooch Season 2 Cast
Turner & Hooch Season 2 might bring back all of the main characters. Josh Peck will play Scott Turner, who ends up with a bad dog, and Carra Patterson will play Scott’s partner, Jessica Baxter. Laura Turner is Scott’s sister, and Lyndsy Fonseca is a veterinary assistant. She is the one who brings Hooch to Scott.
Josh Peck told Variety when asked about taking over the role of Scott Turner, which Tom Hanks had played before, “He’s such a legend. I think it helped that he is so far ahead of me. I’ve looked up to him for so long that I never thought I’d be able to catch up to him. I thought it was great that this wasn’t a remake, though.
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In some ways, this is a continuation. I play the part of his son. In many ways, the question was, “How do we honor the magic of the first movie and what Tom Hanks brought to it and try to bring some of that magic into this new story?”
Episode Guide
Season 1 has 12 episodes, and Season 2 should have the same number, if not more.
Where can I watch Turner & Hooch?
Turner & Hooch is available on Disney+Hotstar.
Frequently Asked Question
Will Turner and Hooch Have a Second Season?
A cast of Turner & Hooch Season 2
Turner & Hooch Season 2 might bring back all of the main characters. Josh Peck will play Scott Turner, who ends up with a bad dog, and Carra Patterson will play Scott’s partner, Jessica Baxter.
Why Did They Stop Making Turner and Hooch?
After one season, Disney+ has decided to end the show, Turner & Hooch. The show was a continuation of the 1989 movie with the same name. The play with Josh Peck didn’t bring back interest in the franchise.
In Turner and Hooch, Does Scott End Up With Erica?
Scott and Erica are great together, but the real love story at the heart of this show is between Scott and his dog; they don’t always get along as well as they do on TV.