The Spanish television network Antena 3 has produced the crime-drama series Locked Up. On April 20, 2015, the premiere of the show occurred. However, after the cancellation of the second season, Fox Spain renewed the show for seasons three and four. This comic was created by Daniel Ecija, Esther Martinez Lobato, Alex Pina, and Ivan Escobar.
Netflix acquired the international streaming rights for the television series. Many individuals became enthused about viewing the program. The cast and crew have received some praise for their work on the show.
The series finale will be a spin-off titled Vis a vis: El Oasis, the first Spanish title for this show. The first season’s plot centered on a young woman who was duped into stealing money for her lover. She must confront the harsh realities of life and learn to survive on her own.
Vis a Vis Season 6 Cast
- In the role of Soledad Nunezern, Maria Isabel Diaz
- Saray Vargas de Jesus is played by Maggie Civantos,
- Carlos Sandoval Castro is played by Ramiro Blas.
- In the role of Picchio, Ana Maria
- Najwa Nimri as Zahir Alba Flores.
Vis a Vis Season 6 Plot
Macarena comes to pick up Zulema at the end of her term and take her home. If you want to find out what happened to them and the rest of the cast, you’ll have to watch. They ultimately conclude that killing and robbing wealthy individuals is the only way to survive.
Regarding the spin-off, viewers had mixed emotions. It was a disheartening conclusion for a character whom many had grown to adore.
Throughout Season 5, Macarena’s friendship with her boss has grown, and she has demonstrated a willingness to breach the law. She is no longer incarcerated, and the story continues.
The first character featured in this collection is Macarena Ferrero, a small, blonde-haired girl who falls in love with her boss. A lady with this level of intelligence and expertise may commit several frauds, even those involving accounting firms.
After committing several crimes, he is conflicted. During his time in prison, he is exposed to a new environment, psychological hardship, and a gang of fellow inmates who support Zulma’s chief adversary. Upon her release from prison, she will be granted access to a vineyard.
Vis a Vis Season 6 Release Date
The Netflix-exclusive spinoff titled Period 5 premiered earlier this year. On July 31, Netflix released the eight-episode spin-off, which fans can now watch in its entirety. In Season 5, which will premiere on Netflix on July 31, 2020, they were imprisoned.
The pandemic is expected to postpone the release of Season 6 of Locked Up. In addition, neither Netflix nor the show’s creators have officially confirmed the renewal of Season 6. Additionally, we are vigilant for Season 6 cancellation rumors.
Vis a Vis Season 6 Trailer
The trailer for season 6 has not yet been released. The trailer for Season 5 is available for your watching enjoyment below.
How Do I Watch Vis a Vis in the Uk?
Thanks to Walter Presents, a business that delivers international television to British screens, you can now watch the entire first season of Locked Up on All4.